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  • Love Our House Night Tuesday 1 November

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Love Our House Night Tuesday 1 November

  • November 01, 2022
  • 6:30 PM
  • Triune Temple


  • Carl Andersen, Master of Saint Paul Lodge Number Three, will host a "traditional" Cleanup Night dinner and will also tell a short story about how the Tradition began.

Registration is closed


Saint Paul Lodge Number Three
A.·.F.·.& A.·.M.·.

Minnesota’s Oldest Masonic Lodge

"Love Our House" Night
Triune Temple

Dedicated to Brother Bill Kepler

Tuesday November 1, 6022 A.·.L.·.


Looking back at the 18 years or so I've been a Mason and member of Saint Paul Lodge Number Three, I recall the happiest times were when we actively practiced Freemasonry and actively cared for our "House" (Triune Masonic Temple).

We built and fostered relationships with each other and with other organizations that share our Temple, and there was a deep connection with the building and our friends with whom we share it.  We would meet once a month to clean it and otherwise care for it.  I remember feeling a camaraderie with the Brothers who came to help and with the members of "Living History Society" and other organizations who came to support the effort as well.

The purpose of this, and subsequent "Love our House" nights will be to (obviously) give our Temple more loving care it has been lacking these last few years and to revive our connection to this magnificent edifice and the warmth and camaraderie with our neighbors who share it with us.

This night is dedicated to our late Brother Bill Kepler.  For those of you who don't know Brother Bill, he had a deep love for our Lodge, our Ritual, and for Triune Temple itself.  The picture in the Library of the bearded man holding a roast turkey, is Brother Bill.  He was a long-time member of Living History Society and it was during a conversation he and I had during one of the "cleanup nights," sitting on the retaining wall in front of the Temple, I asked him something that triggered his petition to our Lodge and his becoming a Mason.

And we were truly blessed to have him.  He gave of himself generously to the Lodge and especially to the Temple.  I miss him.

So let's get together, give our House the love it deserves, and get to know each other a little better.

I'm hoping to see you there.  Traditional "cleanup night" dinner will be my pleasure on this special day.  Please register as soon as you can.

Warm Fraternal Regards,

Carl M. Andersen

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